Facebook Ad Tools

Less Time, More Leads & Improved ROI – Try These 8 Facebook Ad Tools

Want to promote your business on social media? But not sure how to manage your social media campaigns more efficiently! Try These 8 Facebook Ad Tools

Well, Facebook is the platform that helps you reach the audience that are important for your business. Facebook advertising has gain more popularity, its usage too has grown significantly year by year.

Though Facebook has changed its algorithm several times and is still developing, it sometimes becomes a tough job to advertise on Facebook. To gather as many leads and converting them to your clients, Facebook Ad Manager Tool is the key to promote your business through.

Considering Facebook Ad tools can help you save time, your effort and of course money too on your ad campaigns.
Facebook Advertising offers flexibility to the advertiser such as the type of audience they want to reach to, you can set your budget accordingly and decide when to run your ad.

Here are the 10 best Facebook ad tools that will help you achieve better result and boost your return on investment (ROI):

  • Facebook Ads Manager/ Mobile App
  • AdEspresso
  • Qwaya
  • Hootsuite Ads
  • AdStage
  • Driftrock
  • AdRoll
  • AdSpringr

Facebook Ads

There is no other better way to go by for your Facebook ads than on Facebook itself. It is the most basic tool in the Facebook Marketing business, yet one of the leading and most widely used tool from all over the world.

Whether you are a person who spends more time in front of your desktop rather than on your smartphone or vice-versa, through Facebook Ads Manager/ App, you can access all the marketing tools necessary to create targeted ads meant to reach your audience at your convenience.

All you have to do is follow five simple steps to get started with Facebook Ads:

  • Create a Facebook page
  • Details on what you want to promote
  • Choose the suitable audience for the ad
  • Specify your budget
  • Track your results

Whereas the Facebook Ads Manager Mobile App offers the following opportunities:

  • Create Ads
  • Track ad performance
  • Edit existing ads
  • Edit schedule and budgets
  • Receive push notifications

Facebook has made it extremely simple to get started, to attain success all you need to do is fully understand this advertising tool.


In simple words, AdEspresso can be defined as simple, useful and straightforward Facebook Ad creation tool. The multi-variant technology from AdEspresso minimalize your efforts as you can opt to test multiple variations of your Facebook Ads based on your targeted audience through which you get to know which one is generating best result. Thus, increasing ROI of your campaigns.

Few more features of AdEspresso are:

Here you can customize dashboards, so that your focal point is on the metrics that matter the most.
‘Automatic post promotion’- this feature helps you promote your latest posts automatically saving your precious time.
Another great feature is “AdEspresso Academy”, here you can find answers to all your queries say for instance how to create your first social campaign.


Qwaya, a professional advertising tool, is great in its own way, in managing a successful Facebook advertising campaign.

Qwaya offers you an opportunity of A/B Testing and Scheduling. From ad types to news feed placement, A/B testing feature ensures that you are aware about what is performing best at all times and the result you get for the money you are spending on your social media strategy.

Whereas Qwaya Scheduling tool, allows you to schedule campaigns at times when your ROI is highest i.e. you can schedule your ad campaigns for certain times and days and create an ad rotation system.
Qwaya is dedicated more towards the middle to a higher experienced user.


Hootsuite Ads takes your ads to the next level. It can be defined as simplified tool with great feature such as,

  • Its ability to create ads in few seconds as it has a built-in scanner that chooses the shape, photo, and text for your ad. You just have to approve the ad.
  • It automatically scans your Facebook page and news feed, offering the best post to promote to your targeted audience.

Advanced ad management features, offers you an access to a central location for managing both paid and organic content. Hence, spending more time building your small business and less on ads.


An ad tool for those business owners who run their digital ads on multiple social media platforms rather than just on Facebook. With this tool, you can bring all the ads together on one convenient dashboard, instead of managing each ad separately.

The best feature of this tool is its ‘Automated Rules’ and rest are alerts, A/B testing and much more.
This tool not only manage and optimise but saves your time too.

They have powerful management tool too to edit in bulk and create ad variation testing across search and social.


Driftrock, a Facebook ad tool have something special as most of the top brands like Coca Cola and BMW rely on this. It has four main features:

Create– Create an ad in less than 60 seconds, can create multiple-product ads too.

Automate– It uses your CRM or your database to sync your lists with Facebook so that you can target the right people and automate your Facebook custom audiences.

Trigger– you can trigger ads based on TV schedules, whether and other signals. For instance, ‘BMW used Driftrock Triggers to build awareness for BMW xDrive 4X4 technology when it rained or snowed, resulting in a 30% increase in ad engagement’ as per Driftrock blog.

Lead Response– this feature lets you generate, manage and convert leads from both Twitter and Facebook. If you use Twitter or Facebook lead cards, you can push your leads directly to your CRM system so that you can start working on them.


AdRoll acts as a backbone in boosting brand awareness and retargeting. The tool is better equipped to target the right people at the right time. It starts by analysing your website visitor behaviour to gain better insight into your target audience.

AdRoll retargets the stuff that you are presenting on Facebook to the exact customers you need, through which you will be able to make more sales and conversions.


A Facebook ad tool that helps you manage the process by offering four distinctive services: from ad creation, to analysis and reporting, optimization and targeting.

Whosoever’s digital marketing campaign you are handling whether yours or your clients, AdSpringr would surely save your time and increase revenue.


There are around 3.2 billion social media users worldwide and this number is only growing. These ten Facebook ad tools will definitely help you execute your social media marketing strategy very well. For further assistance contact CAMERAReadyArt at 888-956-6006 or send an email to [email protected]

With a diverse skill set and supreme proficiency in a multitude of areas, Sean brings a forward thinking mindset to everything he does for CRA and has for over 10 years.

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