Live Chat Ultimate Tool

Live Chat – The Ultimate Customer Engagement Tool

How would you feel, if you are looking at your favorite product, eager to know more details about it and instead of spending more time researching about the product, you get an instant message from the customer support who would give all the details in one go, saving your time? You feel relaxed. Isn’t it!

Not only the customers but companies too share certain benefits of using Live Chat software. Here are certain benefits to show how Live Chat can have a positive impact one’s business. No matter which stage of the sales lifecycle the customer is in, live chat software allows salespeople to interact with website visitors.


Customer satisfaction plays a major role in any marketing campaign or sales process. It needs sales person to understand the customer’s need first by interacting more so that the right solution to the question can be provided. As per eDigital’s customer service benchmarklive chat has the highest satisfaction levels for any customer service channel, with 73%, compared with 61% for email and 53% for app.


What if a customer is browsing through the company’s website and has certain queries about a product or a service? Through Live chat it can be resolved immediately.

Live chat gives the sales person an opportunity to hold the buyers by hand, clear their doubts and make them reach the buying decision.


Traditionally, customer support representative would handle both phone call and email and that too one at a time but now the time has changed. As per the sources, customer service representative can engage in as many as six simultaneous chats depending on the complexity of the issue.


Trust is extremely important in any relationship or any business. Customers’ are bit reserved of buying things online from people they don’t know. But, with live chat, you can have a direct conversation with the customer that allows you to build trust, enhance the positive qualities of the company compared to the other competitors and make them believe how the company stands out of the crowd.


Not only there is an increase in sales but the value of the sales also increases. While chatting with the buyers and after understanding their needs, representative can offer them an added service or an extra accessory along with the product customer wants to buy.

For example, if a customer wants to buy a laptop, a sales representative can suggest a laptop as per the requirement, also to increase an average order value the agent can recommend a laptop bag too as an additional product.

Live Chat Stats 2019

So, what’s next? Planning to install a Live Chat tool on your website? Here are some of the best chat tools in the market:

  • Tawk

Tawk free live chat software is one of the widely used software. Companies can build a good rapport with and a hassle free communication means for customers. One can have unlimited agents and add it to unlimited sites and chat history is saved forever until it is deleted.

The software monitors the visitor’s activity and segregates them accordingly. Though the app is completely free, one can pay to remove the branding and use it with own company’s name.

  • LiveChat

Their punch line itself says ‘try before you buy’, they give a 30 days trial to decide if it fits your needs. Live Chat helps you build constant and impressive connections with the potential customers. It helps you keep track of the performance i.e. one can measure the speed of the responses and work towards instantaneous service provided.

  • Zoho

Zoho gives you a 15 days free trial. This live chat tool helps agents increasing sales by converting leads into proactive customers with analytics rolled into one platform feature.

  • HubSpot Live Chat

HubSpot’s live chat tool is fully integrated with a chatbot builder that one can start using for free- no coding required. HubSpot’s chatbot builder is seamlessly integrated with HubSpot’s free CRM, bots can deliver friendlier, more personalized messages based on information that is already installed about a contact. When the chat is complete, transcripts can be accessed on individual contact records.

  • Zendesk Chat

Zendesk chat is a customizable tool, one can monitor real time chat metrics and can route chats based on agent skills. Formerly known as Zoipm, Zendesk Chat offers four metrics to consider depending on the businesses objective like chat rating, average wait time, agent’s logged in and serving and average chat duration.

  • Drift

Drift claims they are the world’s first and only conversational marketing platform. They connect business with the best leads in real time. Drift’s LeadBot is a powerful conversational bot that can ask qualification related questions and create leads in the CRM, Bots automatically book meetings and also bots run 24/7 on the website.

  • Olark

Olark’s chatbox can be customized as per the visual consistency of the rest of the website, text that can grab’s visitor’s attention, localize the chat app language.

  • Freshchat

freshchat offers a feature of triggered messages that engage visitors and users and drive conversation. Customization of the bot can help in proactive communication by sending contextual messages at the right time. They offer bot capability to interact with leads during offline hours too.

To conclude, Live Chat can be the ‘next big thing’ when it comes to customer engagement and satisfaction. CAMERAReadyArt offers to help businesses in understanding their business needs and install Live Chat on your Promo Products Store, E-Commerce Store or CMS Website.

With a diverse skill set and supreme proficiency in a multitude of areas, Sean brings a forward thinking mindset to everything he does for CRA and has for over 10 years.

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