Responsive Flyer Design

What is Responsive Flyer Design?

A responsive flyer design provides an optimal viewing experience with high ease of reading and navigation. It minimalizes the need for the viewer to have to resize, pan, and scroll across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones, tablets, and more).

There is no denying that responsive flyer designs have been gaining in popularity yet responsive flyers go way back. Designing for the flyers has always meant designing for a myriad of screen sizes, responsive web design was a natural evolution.

Technology has advanced even more and we’ve seen an increasing number of people turn to their smartphones and tablets to not only make calls and send messages but also to browse E-mails, news and other websites of interest. In the future, responsive flyer’s importance is sure to continue as most experts predict continuing high levels of mobile device usage.

7 Advantages of Responsive Web Design

There are many responsive flyer benefits. Here are the 7 most important features and benefits of responsive flyer design:

1. Improved User Experience

A responsive flyer leads to a better user experience. A major factor indicating the quality of user experience is the time they spend on your flyer. If they find it hard to navigate or use because they’re forced to constantly pinch and zoom, they won’t stay on your flyer.

But if your flyer scales and responds to the change in screen size, then visitors won’t have problems accessing it. As a result, their user experience is improved and they’ll spend more time on your flyer.

Increased ease of user experience and flyer usability can then lead to more word of mouth referrals and new customers for your business.

2. Increased Mobile Traffic

In the first half of 2018, nearly 75% of all global web traffic originated from mobile devices. That accounts for more than three quarters of all Internet traffic and goes to show that you cannot afford to forego responsive flyers.

3. Faster Loading Times

Flyers that are responsive tend to load faster on all devices, but especially on smartphones and tablets. Thanks to responsive images and fluid grids, it takes significantly less time for a flyer to load, which has a direct impact on the duration of your user’s visit. According to research, 53% of mobile visitors will abandon a flyer i style=”color:blue;”an thr that loada>aster benefit from more time spent on the flyer as well as improved conversion rates. This speaks volumes on the importance of responsive flyers.

4. Higher Conversion Rates

More time on your flyer and lower bounce rate are good first steps to improving your visitor’s user experience and building trust. That improved user experience and trust leads to better conversion rates, whether conversion means making a purchase or booking a call. Consider for a moment that the average smartphone conversion rates are up by 64% compared to desktop conversion rates and it’s easy to see why a responsive flyer is a must. Now, having to create only one version of the flyer – that’s responsive, we have successfully eliminated the need to design multiple versions of the flyer.
5. Increased Social Sharing

When done correctly, responsive flyers can lead to an increase in social shares of your content – yet another benefit of using a responsive flyer design. Responsive content makes it easy to share flyers. This can help increase your credibility and expose you to a new audience, which then leads to more traffic and more conversions.

6. Staying ahead of the competition

Responsive flyer design is still considered new. The vast majority of flyers are not responsive. You could stay ahead of your business competitors simply by switching to responsive flyers. There’s a large amount of business owners that are not comfortable investing in this new technology because, well, it’s new. Pretty soon though, you’ll see companies scrambling to hire flyer designers for responsive flyer designs to keep up with the demand of mobile devices and remain competitive.

7. Staying in business

Now that you know the benefits and where this whole responsive flyer craze is going, you realize the importance of have your flyers with a responsive design. Without it, you may be losing customers and money. People are now purchasing more frequently online than in stores. People are online reading product reviews before purchasing a product. Cater to your potential customers and grow your business! If you don’t have a responsive flyer, you could be missing out a whole target market that uses their mobile device to shop.

How can CRA help?

Whether you’re creating a flyer for a lost pet, a new product launch or a fundraising campaign, CRA’s experts will help you create an amazing flyer design your audience will want to read and that you’ll be proud of.

Forget text heavy flyers with clip art and basic images. You can customize your flyer with beautiful high quality images, fonts and colors perfect for your project. We have a range of awesome flyer ideas and are always here to help you increase your business.

With a diverse skill set and supreme proficiency in a multitude of areas, Sean brings a forward thinking mindset to everything he does for CRA and has for over 10 years.

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